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Product Name

Catalog No.

Price in US$
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Sched-1C INT-24K-cl 12,000
SCHED-2C INT-40K-cl Please consult
SCHED-3C INT-48K-cl Please consult
SCHED-4C INT-96K-cl Please consult
SCHED-5C INT-100K-cl Please consult
SCHED-6C INT-220K-cl Please consult
SCHED-4P INT-440K-op Please consult


For all versions of the Sched4u product, where applicable, the intranet organization network client will be connected to the server in the cloud using a secure VPN connection.


SCHED-1C: INT-24K-cl

Is a Client-Server software product, in which a client is installed on premise while a server is installed in the cloud. This version of Sched4u can create up to 400 schedules in shifts of 60 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.

Example for equivalent: 200 schedules in shifts of 120- employees.

SCHED-2C: INT-40K-cl

Is a Client-Server software product, in which a client is installed on premise while a server is installed in the cloud. This version of Sched4u can create up to 80 schedules in shifts of 500 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.

SCHED-3C: INT-48K-cl

Is a Client-Server software product, in which a client is installed on premise while a server is installed in the cloud. This version of Sched4u can create up to 400 schedules in shifts of 120 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.

SCHED-4C: INT-96K-cl

Is a Client-Server software product, in which a client is installed on premise while a server is installed in the cloud. This version of Sched4u can create up to 800 schedules in shifts of 120 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.

SCHED-5C: INT-100K-cl

Is a Client-Server software product, in which a client is installed on premise while a server is installed in the cloud. This version of Sched4u can create up to 100 schedules in shifts of 1,000 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.

SCHED-6C: INT-220K-cl

Is a Client-Server software product, in which a client is installed on premise while a server is installed in the cloud. This version of Sched4u can create up to 100 schedules in shifts of 2,200 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.

SCHED-4P: INT-440K-op

Is a Client-Server software product, in which both client and server are installed on premise. This version of Sched4u can create up to 200 schedules in shifts of 2,200 employees each, or any equivalent combination of schedules.


To find the cost of a small number of schedules in shifts, you can use the cost calculator .